開催日時 | 2017-09-16 (土) |
時間 | 開場 10:00 開演 16:00 終演 17:30 ※終演時間はあくまでも目安になります |
開催場所 | Royal Exhibition Building(王立展示館) |
出演者 | |
関連リンク | http://www.animaga.com.au/guests/ |
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HOW TO GET AN AUTOGRAPH FROM A GUEST AT ANIMAGA EXPO Please read this page carefully to find out how to get an autograph from our guests at Animaga Expo. STEP ONE: CHECK THE AUTOGRAPH SCHEDULE (WHEN AVAILABLE) ・You will need to know when the autograph session will take place in order to know when you need to line up to get the respective autograph token. ・Each guest has one autograph session each day. STEP TWO: GET AN AUTOGRAPH TOKEN 1.The line will start from the Guest Merchandise Booth. -There will be one line for each guest, and signs will be posted on the booths to indicate which line is for which guest. –If you are unsure about where and how to line up, do not hesitate to ask an Animaga Volunteer – identifiable by their yellow T-shirts. 2.Token distribution starts at 10AM each day and ends 15 minutes before the guest’s autograph session is scheduled to finish. –Tokens are distributed only for the autograph sessions scheduled on the same day. Hence, you cannot obtain a token on Saturday for a Sunday autograph session. –For each session, 100 autograph tokens will be issued. –Autograph tokens are FREE. STEP THREE: THE AUTOGRAPH SESSION ・You will need to know when the autograph session will take place in order to know when you need to line up to get the respective autograph token. ・Each guest has one autograph session each day. 1.Be sure to bring an item to be signed. -Please refer to the [Guest Autograph Policy] for more information about what items are accepted for signing. -The guest, Animaga, and relevant personnels reserve to the right to decline an item for signing. 2.Head over to the Autograph Area. -Lines start 30 minutes prior to each session. -Please write ONLY your name at back of your autograph token, no message is to be included. -Please keep in mind that there are other attendees in line who want to meet the guest as much as you do. Please keep conversations short and have your stuff ready so we can keep the line moving quickly. -Requests for audio/video recording, voice requests and phone calls during the sessions are not allowed. 3.Staff reserve the right to cut off lines so that everyone remaining may receive an autograph within the scheduled time. IMPORTANT NOTES ・Autograph sessions are subject to change or cancellation at any time without notice. ・Autograph tokens of any kind only denote eligibility to receive an autograph at the specified guest’s scheduled signing session. ・If you have any questions about the autograph session or policy, please ask an Animaga Volunteer at the Guest Merchandise Booth. Guest Autograph Policy Guests will be available for autographs during the weekend in the Guest Signing Area of the REB. It is advised that attendees check the scheduled signing times for each guest as there is high demand and limited time for autographs. We will be enforcing the following rules to ensure as many people as possible are able to get autographs and photo(s) taken. To be eligible for a guest’s autograph; attendees must collect a signing token by the guest signing tables, which are available when doors open. ・Guest Signing Table is the central location in distributing the limited number of Signing Tokens before the designated session(s). All signing tokens are ONLY redeemable on the day of distribution and for that day’s specific session. ・An attendee may only get ONE Signing Token per guest, per day. ・We discourage attendees from standing in line for an autograph without a token. ・Standby lines will also require a token – Attendees are not allowed to line up any earlier than 30 minutes before the commencement of the autograph session. – To keep the line moving, we permit only ONE item to be signed. We ask that any fine details be decided before their turn (i.e. location and who the guest addressing it out to). ・Guests will gladly sign your program guide or any officially licensed goods, and may also sign other items at their discretion. DO NOT bring any bootleg items (they will not be signed). If you are not sure, ask an Animaga Volunteers. For individual signing policy, please read below. – Staff reserve the right to inspect the item before it is presented to the guest. – Attendees are NOT ALLOWED to photograph the guests during the signing session. – Be considerate of your fellow attendees and avoid having lengthy conversations with the guest during the autograph session. ・Arrive early, or in a timely manner, to secure your opportunity. – A friendly reminder that all attendees should adhere to Animaga’s Code of Conduct. ・Each guest may have special rules in regards to their autograph sessions, please refer to the relevant guest below for more information Kanae Ito Signing Policy ・Strictly NO photography. ・Only 100 tokens per day. ・Will sign items other than her official products (such as signing boards). ・Will not sign things unrelated to works she has participated in. (ie. no miscellaneous items such as boomerangs, swords, scraps of paper, etc.) Mel Kishida Signing Policy ・Strictly NO photography. ・Only 100 tokens per day. ・Will sign items other than his products and signing boards. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― HOW TO GET AN AUTOGRAPH FROM A GUEST AT ANIMAGA EXPO ステップ1:サイン会のスケジュールを確認すること ・サイン会にはサイントークンが必要。 ステップ2:トークン入手 ・トークン配布列の場所はゲストブースに掲示される。 ・トークンは10AMから配布開始。 ・無料、先着100名。 ・当日分のトークンしか配布しないので日曜日の分を土曜日に入手することはできない。 ステップ3:サイン会 ・サインを入れてもらうアイテムは持ち込むこと。 ・どんなアイテムがOKかは [Guest Autograph Policy] 参照。 ・ゲスト本人、スタッフ、関係者(マネージャー)がサインを断ることができる。 ・サイン会開始30分前から整列。 ・トークンの裏に自分の名前を記入すること。 ・長話はしないこと。順番が近づいたら準備しておくこと。 ・サイン会での録音録画は禁止。 ・時間内にサイン会を終わらせるため「剥がし」があるかも。 重要事項 ・サイン会は予告なく変更またはキャンセルされることがある。 ・サイントークンはゲスト別。 ・分からないことがあったら遠慮なく黄色のTシャツを着たボランティアスタッフに聞いてね。 Guest Autograph Policy ・サイン会の時間は限られているので、スケジュールを確認しておくことをお勧めします。 ・サイン会の権利を得るには、ドアオープンからトークンを入手する必要がある。 ・サインできるのは1日1人1つだけ。 ・トークンなしで並ぶことはできない。 ・サイン会開始30分より前に並ぶことはできない。 ・ゲストは公式商品に喜んでサインし、また自由裁量で他のアイテムにサインすることができる。 ・スタッフはサインするアイテムを事前にチェックすることがある。 ・サイン中の写真撮影は禁止。 ・長話は避けること。 Kanae Ito Signing Policy ・写真撮影は固く禁止。 ・1日100名限定。 ・公式以外の商品またはサイン色紙にもサインOK。 ・ブーメラン、剣、紙切れなどの雑品はNG。 Mel Kishida Signing Policy ・写真撮影は固く禁止。 ・1日100名限定。 ・公式以外の商品、サイン色紙以外にもサインOK。 |
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